Designed around you.

Technology with a purpose.

It’s great to have top of the range smart-home and audiovisual technology in your important spaces, but not simply for the for the sake of it.

It should work as good as it looks, blend in seamlessly and every bit of value should be drawn from it. The technology should serve to improve your quality of life, and be as elegant as its surroundings.

“Without a design process there can be no sales talk. True smart-home integrators don’t just sell fancy products and gadgets. It’s about discovering what the client actually wants and how they live, then harnessing the right technology to deliver a delightful experience. That can be the effortless way they control their lights and shades, the peace of mind knowing their spaces are secured and private, the comfort in knowing the air in their property is kept healthy automatically, or the immersive feeling their private cinema evokes each time they use it.”

Hassan Ahouiek

Who’s on your team?

Our ‘design freedom’ ensures that our only objective is to achieve the best results for you. We make your vision our vision. Too often, this vision is overlooked, with little regard for:

-What the user actually wants (improving quality of life)

-Quality (longevity, reliability and performance)

-Intuitiveness (easy to use, pleasant controls)

The result can be questionable integration, a less-than-ideal user experience and a lack of aftercare. Perhaps this is because the client didn’t know any better or was unclear as to who should be doing what in the project, so they ‘get what they’re given’.

“The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't really even notice it, so it's part of everyday life.”

Bill Gates

Power is nothing without control.

Focussing on elegant, intuitive control is what sets us apart. We curate technology to deliver systems that work in harmony with your lifestyle. Unlike many others, we don’t use ‘off-the-shelf’ control systems that limit the user experience and can’t always meet users’ needs. We design from the ground up.

When it comes to smart technology, we believe that solutions should be specified only after properly understanding the user’s needs and expectations.

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